Sep 27, 2011


Welcome to my blog! I am super excited to have you all here. ^_^  So much has happened since I first began writing this anthology, and I hope to continue writing more!

I want to thank you all for your support, and I sincerely hope you continue to return and read!

You are probably wondering what I will be writing about in a tiny little old BLOG about a book-in-progress?  Updates on stories, story ideas, sneak previews, fan art, artworks, and a lot of other fun things! I hope that this can become a super community one day!

Please make yourself comfortable and enjoy the land of faeries!

"When you open the doors to your mind and see all that can't be seen, then you know that you have truly seen Faerie. Take with that opportunity and give something to someone; honey, bread, milk, or even a little bundle of flowers. All of these would help to put a smile on someone's face, even if they don't believe."

~Aislinn Riley

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